Автобиография на Марина Бакалова
Personal data
Name: Marina Ivanova Bakalova
Date of birth: 30.06.1975, Sofia
Nationality: Bulgarian
Address: Serdika 4, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Tel. +359 877598092
E-mail: [email protected]
PhD - 2011 Central European University, Budapest, "Knowledge as Success from Ability"
PhD - 2005 Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge at BAS, "The Problem of Rationality in Cognitive Science"
MA in Philosophy – 1999 Philosophy Department, Sofia University
- Fordham University, New York (March-May 2005)
- University of Maribor, Slovenia, on Erasmus (April-May1999)
Research interests
epistemology of music, philosophy of perception, philosophy of memory
Scientific positions
PhD Students
Radostina Minina (defended)
Three MA students (defended)
Consulting activity
Membership in NGOs
- Bulgarian Society for Analytic Philosophy (since 2012)
- Member of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria
Academic Work
Бакалова, Марина (2012) „Знаем ли нещо за външния свят: Въпроси от съвременната аналитична философия и епистемология на възприятието“ Звезди, София.
(Bakalova, Marina (2012) Do we know anything about the external world? Questions from contemporary analytic philosophy and epistemology of perception, Zvezdi, Sofia)
Bakalova, Marina. (2021) “The Epistemic Value of Music” Organon F, 28, 2. 303-325.
Bakalova, Marina (2021) “Learning Emotion Concepts: Further Thoughts on Emotional Granularity” Balkan Journal of Philosophy, 13, 2., 175-180.
Bakalova, Marina (2020) “Beyond Wittgenstein’s Musical Formalism” in 130 years Ludwig Wittgenstein: 1889-2019. Center for Open Access in Science, Belgrade, Serbia. 132-149.
Bakalova, Marina, Minina, Radostina (2020) “Learning Self-Awareness: Lessons from Social Robotics” in Proceedings of 2020 International Conference Automatics and Informatics (ICAI), IEEE.
Bakalova, Marina, Minina, Radostina (2019) “OMNIBOT: A Robotic Verticalization Mobility System for People with Disabilities” in Proceedings of 2019 International Conference Automatics and Informatics (ICAI), IEEE.
Бакалова, Марина (2020) “Защо оптималната сигурност на знанието не е добра идея” Пътища на познанието. Сборник, УИ „Св. Климент Охридски”, 2020
Bakalova, Marina (2019) “On the Myth of the Given: approaches to our epistemic trust” Dialogue on Faith and Reason. Prof. Marin Drinov.
Bakalova, M. (2019) “Why Practical Knowledge is Basic” in Traditional Learning Theories, Process Philosophy and AI, Katie Anderson, Vesselin Pertov (Eds) Chromatica, Belgium.
Бакалова, Марина (2019) “Защо достъпът до свидетелства не е необходимо условие за наличието на знание.” Библиотека „Диоген“ Изд. на ВУ „св. Св. Кирил и Методий.
Bakalova, Marina (2018) Setting Whitehead’s “Usable Ideas” in a Philosophical Framework for Human and Machine Learning. Volume 10, Issue 2.
Бакалова, Марина (2017) „Хилъри Пътнам за литературата, морала и социалните науки“, Философски алтернативи, 1.
Бакалова, Марина (2016) „Парадокси на реализма в аналитичната онтология на изкуството“, Nota Bene 33.
Bakalova, Marina (2016) “Evidence vs. Virtues in Epistemic Disagreement” Organon F , 23 (1) : 72-82.
Bakalova, M. /co-author/ (2015) Breaking Down Barriers from Education to Employment, The Journey towards Inclusion for Vulnerable Groups, Joachim Schroeder (ed.) (Partnership “Integration of vulnerable groups, focused on transition from school to work”) Bulgarian Comparative Education Society, 117-136, 203-208, 291-306, 319-343, 345-352, 355-360.
Бакалова, Марина (2013) "Възраждане на интелектуалните добродетели в съвременната епистемология" Философски алтернативи 6: 35-47
Bakalova, Marina (2011) “Ontology of Ability: A defense of counterfactual analysis of ability” in: Petrov, Vesselin (Ed. and preface). Ontological Landscapes: Recent Thought on Conceptual Interfaces Between Science and Philosophy. Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt/Landcaster, 2011, pp. 169-183.
Bakalova, Marina (2008) “Externalizing Internalism: A Defence of Epistemic Compatibilism” in: Being and Knowledge in Postmetaphysical Context. (Proceedings of the International conference on ontology and epistemology, Sofia, 2007). IAF, Wien.
Bakalova, Marina (2008) “Knowledge as Apt Mental State” in The Philosophy of Security in an Unsecure World: Proceedings of XXV Varna International Philosophical School June 1st-3rd 2008. pp.117-125 IPhR-BAS, Sofia.
Bakalova, Marina (2007) “A Disjunctivist Answer to the Problem of Subjective Indistinguishability” in The Proceedings of XXIV International Varna Summer School “Philosophy Bridging Civilizations and Cultures: Universal, Regional, National Values in United Europe, June 1st-3rd 2006 IPhR-BAS, Sofia.
Бакалова, Марина (2005) „Теории за оправдаването в аналитичната епистемология”, в Онтологико-епистемологични оптики в събитието на съвременността, Виртуален център за музика, култура и научни изследвания, 146-159.
Бакалова, Марина (2002) “Епистемология и ситуирано действие.”, сп. Философия година Х, брой 2, Министерство на образованието и науката, София, стр. 3-9.
Бакалова, Марина (2002) “Традиционна и натурализирана епистемология”, Философски четения, Арбанаси, ЛИК: София, стр. 133-149.
Bakalova, Marina (2001) “Epistemological Aspects of Personal Identity.” in Philosophy between Two Centuries – Proceedings of XXI Varna International Philosophical School, Institute for Philosophical Research to Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, рр. 205-208.
Bakalova, Marina and Kujumdjieff, Theodor (2001) “Metaphors: Concept Families in Context.”: in Pre-proceedings of 24th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechesel, рр. 12-18.
Бакалова, Марина (2001) “Ментални репрезентации ли са понятията?”, сп. Философия, година Х, брой 2, Министерство на образованието и науката, София, стр. 59-64.
Book Reviews
Bakalova, Marina (2022) Book Review: “Röck, Tina Dynamic Realism Uncovering the Reality of Becoming through Phenomenology and Process Philosophy, Edinburgh University Press”, in Balkan Journal of Philosophy 14 (2), 188-190.
Bakalova, Marina (2014) Book Review: “Ryszard Kucha & Henryk Cudak (Eds.) (2013): European ideas in the work of famous educationalists. Internationalization, globalization and their impact on education. Łódź (Poland): Wydawnictwo Społecznej Akademii Nauk (Studia i Monografie, Nr. 41). (558 pages; ISBN 978-83-62016-61-0);Ryszard Kucha & Sławomir Cudak (Eds.) (2013): The old and new thinking about education. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Społecznej Akademii Nauk (Studia i Monografie, Nr. 42). (516 pages; ISBN 978-83-62916-62-7);Ryszard Kucha & Henryk Cudak (Eds.) (2013): European ideas in the pedagogical thought:From national to supranational points of view. Some totalitarian aspects. Łódź: WydawnictwoSpoł” in International Dialogues on Education, Volume 1, Number 2, ISSN 2198-5988, ISBN 978-83-62016-61-0), pp.47-50
Bakalova, Marina (2012) Book Review: „Vesselin Petrov, Process Philosophical Reading of the Dilemma of Continuity – Discreteness. Sofia: ETO Publishers“, 2012 in ChromatikonVIII Yearbook of Philosophy in Process, Michel Weber et de Ronny Desmet (eds.) Les Éditions Chromatika, 2012
Бакалова, Марина (2007) Рецензия на книга: “Веселин Петров, Онтологията на 20 век”- в Le Monde Diplomatique, септември 2007, стр.30.
Marina Bakalova (2005) Book review: “John Greco (Ed.) Sosa and His Critics, Wiley-Blackwell” , Croatian Journal of Philosophy. 13, pp.176-180. ISSN 1333-1108
А. External projects:
2017-2020 - "Synergy between procedural philosophy and elements of artificial intelligence in learning theory". Bulgarian National Science Fund under the "Research Funding Competition” Contract № DN15/9 of 11 December 2017. Participant.
2013-2015 - in a three-year Leonardo da Vinci project on "Integration of vulnerable groups, focused on the transition from school to vocation or world of work", Project Contract No. LLP-2013-LEO-MP-20. Project leader. Prof. Prof. Nikolay Popov, Faculty of Pedagogy, Sofia University "St. Reported and completed on time. Participant
B. Foreign Exchange Projects
2020-2022 Project Director of "Philosophy of Implicit Knowledge" - collaborative research project between IPS and the University of Liège, Belgium.
2019-2021 Project Director of "Varieties of Fictionalism" - collaborative research project between IPS and the Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences.
2017-2019 "Contemporary Philosophical-Methodological Frameworks of Educational Theory" - collaborative research project between ISSK and the University of Liège, Belgium. Participant.
2015-2017 "Rationality in Science and Metaphysics" - collaborative research project between ISSK and the Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences. Participant.
2014-2016 "The Interaction of Ontology and Epistemology in the Philosophy of Mathematics in the 21st Century" - collaborative research project between ISSK and the University of Liège, Belgium. Participant.
2012 – 2014 "Selected Ontological and Epistemological Problems in the Context of Analytic and Continental Philosophical Traditions" - collaborative research project between ISSK and the Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences. Participant.
2011 - 2013 "Overcoming the Contrast between Analytic and Continental Philosophical Traditions through Process Philosophy" - collaborative research project between ISSK and the University of Liège, Belgium. Participant.
2008 - 2010 "Whiteheadian Process Thought and its Relevance to Contemporary Challenges in Philosophy and Science" - collaborative research project between ISSK and the University of Liège, Belgium. Participant.
2007-2009 "Modality, Truth and Knowledge" - collaborative research project between IP and Institute for Philosophical Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Participant.
Budget Supported Projects:
2016 – 2019 Member of the project team of "Models, Methodologies and Heuristics in Contemporary Philosophical Discourse - Part II"
2013 – 2015 Member of the project team of "Models, Methodologies and Heuristics in Contemporary Philosophical Discourse - Part I"
2013 – 2015 Individual project “Contemporary Ontology of Artworks” (completed)
2008 – 2011 Member of the project team of “Interconnectedness and Complementarity of Problems and Approaches in Contemporary Ontological Discourse”
2005 - 2007), Member of the project team of "Contemporary Ontological Visions"
Selected talks
- “Music Epistemology: Knowledge and Understanding” 4th International Scientific Conference Contemporary Perspectives before the Humanities and Social Sciences, Varna, 29.08.2022 - 02.09.2022
- “Affective Neuroscience on Learning Emotion Concepts: A Philosophical Issue” Sixth European Summer School in Process Thought, 02.08.2021 - 06.08.2021
- “Memory of Music-Based Emotions” Sofia-Grenoble Memory and Mind Workshop 16.09.2021 - 17.09.2021
- Bakalova, Marina and Minina, Radostina “Learning Self-Awareness: Lessons from Social Robotics” 20th IFAC Conference in Automatics and Informatics 01.10.2020 - 03.10.2020.
- Bakalova, Marina and Minina, Radostina “OMNIBOT: A Robotic Verticalization Mobility System for People with Disabilities” 19th IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and Integration” 26.09.2019 - 28.09.2019
- “Beyond Wittgenstein’s Musical Formalism”, 130 Years Ludwig Wittgenstein, International Conference in Sofia, 16.10.2019 - 17.10.2019
- “The Epistemic Value of Knowledge” Principia Pedagogicae II, Conference at ULiege Belgium 27.11.2019 - 28.11.2019
- “Musical Expression and Implicit Knowledge” Philosophy Nowadays: Cultural, Educational and Scientific Policies in the Black Sea Region”, Conference in Varna 02.09.2019 - 06.09.2019
- “How to use Whitehead’s ideas of education?” Traditional Learning Theory and their relation to Process Philosophy and AI, 19.06.2018 - 20.06.2018
- “Encoding Artistic Meaning: Intermodal Congruence vs. Strong Metaphor” Invited Talk at the Institute for Philosophy , Slovakian Academy of Sciennces, Bratislava 01.01.2018 - 30.12.2020
- “What can we learn from music?” Principia Pedagogicae I, Conference at ULiege, Belgium 27.11.2018 - 29.11.20181.
- Bakalova, Marina “How to Avoid the Modal Fallacy of Epistemic Safety” ECAP 9, Munich 17-19. 07. 2017.
Personal data
Name: Marina Ivanova Bakalova
Date of birth: 30.06.1975, Sofia
Nationality: Bulgarian
Address: Serdika 4, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Tel. +359 877598092
E-mail: [email protected]
PhD - 2011 Central European University, Budapest, "Knowledge as Success from Ability"
PhD - 2005 Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge at BAS, "The Problem of Rationality in Cognitive Science"
MA in Philosophy – 1999 Philosophy Department, Sofia University
- Fordham University, New York (March-May 2005)
- University of Maribor, Slovenia, on Erasmus (April-May1999)
Research interests
epistemology of music, philosophy of perception, philosophy of memory
Scientific positions
- Associate Professor, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (since 2013)
- Research Manager of IPS, BAS (2020-2021)
- Teaching a regular course on "Foundations of Cognitive Science", at the MA program in Philosophy of Mind and Language, Faculty of Philosophy, Sofia University (since 2012)
- teaching a regular course on "Philosophy of Perception" at the MA program in Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" (since 2022)
PhD Students
Radostina Minina (defended)
Three MA students (defended)
Consulting activity
- Member of the Scientific Council of the IPS, BAS (since 2023)
- Member of the editorial board of Balkan Journal of Philosophy
- Blind reviewer for Croatian Journal of Philosophy, Acta Analytica, Balkan Journal of Philosophy, Philosophical Alternatives.
- Regular member of examination boards, and author of open reviews under Bulgarian Academic Law (since 2014)
Membership in NGOs
- Bulgarian Society for Analytic Philosophy (since 2012)
- Member of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria
Academic Work
Бакалова, Марина (2012) „Знаем ли нещо за външния свят: Въпроси от съвременната аналитична философия и епистемология на възприятието“ Звезди, София.
(Bakalova, Marina (2012) Do we know anything about the external world? Questions from contemporary analytic philosophy and epistemology of perception, Zvezdi, Sofia)
Bakalova, Marina. (2021) “The Epistemic Value of Music” Organon F, 28, 2. 303-325.
Bakalova, Marina (2021) “Learning Emotion Concepts: Further Thoughts on Emotional Granularity” Balkan Journal of Philosophy, 13, 2., 175-180.
Bakalova, Marina (2020) “Beyond Wittgenstein’s Musical Formalism” in 130 years Ludwig Wittgenstein: 1889-2019. Center for Open Access in Science, Belgrade, Serbia. 132-149.
Bakalova, Marina, Minina, Radostina (2020) “Learning Self-Awareness: Lessons from Social Robotics” in Proceedings of 2020 International Conference Automatics and Informatics (ICAI), IEEE.
Bakalova, Marina, Minina, Radostina (2019) “OMNIBOT: A Robotic Verticalization Mobility System for People with Disabilities” in Proceedings of 2019 International Conference Automatics and Informatics (ICAI), IEEE.
Бакалова, Марина (2020) “Защо оптималната сигурност на знанието не е добра идея” Пътища на познанието. Сборник, УИ „Св. Климент Охридски”, 2020
Bakalova, Marina (2019) “On the Myth of the Given: approaches to our epistemic trust” Dialogue on Faith and Reason. Prof. Marin Drinov.
Bakalova, M. (2019) “Why Practical Knowledge is Basic” in Traditional Learning Theories, Process Philosophy and AI, Katie Anderson, Vesselin Pertov (Eds) Chromatica, Belgium.
Бакалова, Марина (2019) “Защо достъпът до свидетелства не е необходимо условие за наличието на знание.” Библиотека „Диоген“ Изд. на ВУ „св. Св. Кирил и Методий.
Bakalova, Marina (2018) Setting Whitehead’s “Usable Ideas” in a Philosophical Framework for Human and Machine Learning. Volume 10, Issue 2.
Бакалова, Марина (2017) „Хилъри Пътнам за литературата, морала и социалните науки“, Философски алтернативи, 1.
Бакалова, Марина (2016) „Парадокси на реализма в аналитичната онтология на изкуството“, Nota Bene 33.
Bakalova, Marina (2016) “Evidence vs. Virtues in Epistemic Disagreement” Organon F , 23 (1) : 72-82.
Bakalova, M. /co-author/ (2015) Breaking Down Barriers from Education to Employment, The Journey towards Inclusion for Vulnerable Groups, Joachim Schroeder (ed.) (Partnership “Integration of vulnerable groups, focused on transition from school to work”) Bulgarian Comparative Education Society, 117-136, 203-208, 291-306, 319-343, 345-352, 355-360.
Бакалова, Марина (2013) "Възраждане на интелектуалните добродетели в съвременната епистемология" Философски алтернативи 6: 35-47
Bakalova, Marina (2011) “Ontology of Ability: A defense of counterfactual analysis of ability” in: Petrov, Vesselin (Ed. and preface). Ontological Landscapes: Recent Thought on Conceptual Interfaces Between Science and Philosophy. Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt/Landcaster, 2011, pp. 169-183.
Bakalova, Marina (2008) “Externalizing Internalism: A Defence of Epistemic Compatibilism” in: Being and Knowledge in Postmetaphysical Context. (Proceedings of the International conference on ontology and epistemology, Sofia, 2007). IAF, Wien.
Bakalova, Marina (2008) “Knowledge as Apt Mental State” in The Philosophy of Security in an Unsecure World: Proceedings of XXV Varna International Philosophical School June 1st-3rd 2008. pp.117-125 IPhR-BAS, Sofia.
Bakalova, Marina (2007) “A Disjunctivist Answer to the Problem of Subjective Indistinguishability” in The Proceedings of XXIV International Varna Summer School “Philosophy Bridging Civilizations and Cultures: Universal, Regional, National Values in United Europe, June 1st-3rd 2006 IPhR-BAS, Sofia.
Бакалова, Марина (2005) „Теории за оправдаването в аналитичната епистемология”, в Онтологико-епистемологични оптики в събитието на съвременността, Виртуален център за музика, култура и научни изследвания, 146-159.
Бакалова, Марина (2002) “Епистемология и ситуирано действие.”, сп. Философия година Х, брой 2, Министерство на образованието и науката, София, стр. 3-9.
Бакалова, Марина (2002) “Традиционна и натурализирана епистемология”, Философски четения, Арбанаси, ЛИК: София, стр. 133-149.
Bakalova, Marina (2001) “Epistemological Aspects of Personal Identity.” in Philosophy between Two Centuries – Proceedings of XXI Varna International Philosophical School, Institute for Philosophical Research to Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, рр. 205-208.
Bakalova, Marina and Kujumdjieff, Theodor (2001) “Metaphors: Concept Families in Context.”: in Pre-proceedings of 24th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechesel, рр. 12-18.
Бакалова, Марина (2001) “Ментални репрезентации ли са понятията?”, сп. Философия, година Х, брой 2, Министерство на образованието и науката, София, стр. 59-64.
Book Reviews
Bakalova, Marina (2022) Book Review: “Röck, Tina Dynamic Realism Uncovering the Reality of Becoming through Phenomenology and Process Philosophy, Edinburgh University Press”, in Balkan Journal of Philosophy 14 (2), 188-190.
Bakalova, Marina (2014) Book Review: “Ryszard Kucha & Henryk Cudak (Eds.) (2013): European ideas in the work of famous educationalists. Internationalization, globalization and their impact on education. Łódź (Poland): Wydawnictwo Społecznej Akademii Nauk (Studia i Monografie, Nr. 41). (558 pages; ISBN 978-83-62016-61-0);Ryszard Kucha & Sławomir Cudak (Eds.) (2013): The old and new thinking about education. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Społecznej Akademii Nauk (Studia i Monografie, Nr. 42). (516 pages; ISBN 978-83-62916-62-7);Ryszard Kucha & Henryk Cudak (Eds.) (2013): European ideas in the pedagogical thought:From national to supranational points of view. Some totalitarian aspects. Łódź: WydawnictwoSpoł” in International Dialogues on Education, Volume 1, Number 2, ISSN 2198-5988, ISBN 978-83-62016-61-0), pp.47-50
Bakalova, Marina (2012) Book Review: „Vesselin Petrov, Process Philosophical Reading of the Dilemma of Continuity – Discreteness. Sofia: ETO Publishers“, 2012 in ChromatikonVIII Yearbook of Philosophy in Process, Michel Weber et de Ronny Desmet (eds.) Les Éditions Chromatika, 2012
Бакалова, Марина (2007) Рецензия на книга: “Веселин Петров, Онтологията на 20 век”- в Le Monde Diplomatique, септември 2007, стр.30.
Marina Bakalova (2005) Book review: “John Greco (Ed.) Sosa and His Critics, Wiley-Blackwell” , Croatian Journal of Philosophy. 13, pp.176-180. ISSN 1333-1108
А. External projects:
2017-2020 - "Synergy between procedural philosophy and elements of artificial intelligence in learning theory". Bulgarian National Science Fund under the "Research Funding Competition” Contract № DN15/9 of 11 December 2017. Participant.
2013-2015 - in a three-year Leonardo da Vinci project on "Integration of vulnerable groups, focused on the transition from school to vocation or world of work", Project Contract No. LLP-2013-LEO-MP-20. Project leader. Prof. Prof. Nikolay Popov, Faculty of Pedagogy, Sofia University "St. Reported and completed on time. Participant
B. Foreign Exchange Projects
2020-2022 Project Director of "Philosophy of Implicit Knowledge" - collaborative research project between IPS and the University of Liège, Belgium.
2019-2021 Project Director of "Varieties of Fictionalism" - collaborative research project between IPS and the Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences.
2017-2019 "Contemporary Philosophical-Methodological Frameworks of Educational Theory" - collaborative research project between ISSK and the University of Liège, Belgium. Participant.
2015-2017 "Rationality in Science and Metaphysics" - collaborative research project between ISSK and the Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences. Participant.
2014-2016 "The Interaction of Ontology and Epistemology in the Philosophy of Mathematics in the 21st Century" - collaborative research project between ISSK and the University of Liège, Belgium. Participant.
2012 – 2014 "Selected Ontological and Epistemological Problems in the Context of Analytic and Continental Philosophical Traditions" - collaborative research project between ISSK and the Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences. Participant.
2011 - 2013 "Overcoming the Contrast between Analytic and Continental Philosophical Traditions through Process Philosophy" - collaborative research project between ISSK and the University of Liège, Belgium. Participant.
2008 - 2010 "Whiteheadian Process Thought and its Relevance to Contemporary Challenges in Philosophy and Science" - collaborative research project between ISSK and the University of Liège, Belgium. Participant.
2007-2009 "Modality, Truth and Knowledge" - collaborative research project between IP and Institute for Philosophical Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Participant.
Budget Supported Projects:
2016 – 2019 Member of the project team of "Models, Methodologies and Heuristics in Contemporary Philosophical Discourse - Part II"
2013 – 2015 Member of the project team of "Models, Methodologies and Heuristics in Contemporary Philosophical Discourse - Part I"
2013 – 2015 Individual project “Contemporary Ontology of Artworks” (completed)
2008 – 2011 Member of the project team of “Interconnectedness and Complementarity of Problems and Approaches in Contemporary Ontological Discourse”
2005 - 2007), Member of the project team of "Contemporary Ontological Visions"
Selected talks
- “Normativity of Music” Balkan Analytic Forum. Belgrade 24-26. 10.2023
- “The Epistemic Value of Expressive Music” ECAP 11, Vienna, 21-25. 08. 2023
- “The role of memory and imagination in aesthetic bootstrapping” Memory and Mind 2: A Sofia-Grenoble Workshop, Sofia University, 9-10.06.2021.
- “The Role of Schemata in Making Sense of Expressive Music” Naturalism in Philosophy, Sofia, 19-21.05.2023
- “Music Epistemology: Knowledge and Understanding” 4th International Scientific Conference Contemporary Perspectives before the Humanities and Social Sciences, Varna, 29.08.2022 - 02.09.2022
- “Affective Neuroscience on Learning Emotion Concepts: A Philosophical Issue” Sixth European Summer School in Process Thought, 02.08.2021 - 06.08.2021
- “Memory of Music-Based Emotions” Sofia-Grenoble Memory and Mind Workshop 16.09.2021 - 17.09.2021
- “Implicit Conceptual Content” 3rd Varna International Philosophy Conference”, 09.09.2021 - 12.09.2021
- Bakalova, Marina and Minina, Radostina “Learning Self-Awareness: Lessons from Social Robotics” 20th IFAC Conference in Automatics and Informatics 01.10.2020 - 03.10.2020.
- Bakalova, Marina and Minina, Radostina “OMNIBOT: A Robotic Verticalization Mobility System for People with Disabilities” 19th IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and Integration” 26.09.2019 - 28.09.2019
- “Beyond Wittgenstein’s Musical Formalism”, 130 Years Ludwig Wittgenstein, International Conference in Sofia, 16.10.2019 - 17.10.2019
- “The Epistemic Value of Knowledge” Principia Pedagogicae II, Conference at ULiege Belgium 27.11.2019 - 28.11.2019
- “Musical Expression and Implicit Knowledge” Philosophy Nowadays: Cultural, Educational and Scientific Policies in the Black Sea Region”, Conference in Varna 02.09.2019 - 06.09.2019
- “How to use Whitehead’s ideas of education?” Traditional Learning Theory and their relation to Process Philosophy and AI, 19.06.2018 - 20.06.2018
- “Encoding Artistic Meaning: Intermodal Congruence vs. Strong Metaphor” Invited Talk at the Institute for Philosophy , Slovakian Academy of Sciennces, Bratislava 01.01.2018 - 30.12.2020
- “What can we learn from music?” Principia Pedagogicae I, Conference at ULiege, Belgium 27.11.2018 - 29.11.20181.
- Bakalova, Marina “How to Avoid the Modal Fallacy of Epistemic Safety” ECAP 9, Munich 17-19. 07. 2017.